About The Inn
CrawFish Haven/ Mrs. Rose's Bed and Breakfast
Our History
Our B&B is an authentic Acadian home situated on 2 acres and built in 1903, nestled in the middle of Cajun Country.
In 2010, Barry Toups purchased land which was turned into crawfish ponds just north of Kaplan, La. The land happened to be located across the street from the home Rose Robichaux was living in (which is now the location of the bed and breakfast). Barry had never met Mrs. Rose before that, but after the land was turned into a crawfish pond, he would occasionally stop by to check on her and help her with things around the house since she was living alone. She was 89 years old at that time. Barry and Mrs. Rose became friends and one day he told her that after she passed away, he would like to purchase the home from her son. Mrs. Rose died when she was 92, in 2013, and Barry purchased the home. He decided to turn it into a bed and breakfast.
One of Barry's relatives from Biloxi went crawfishing with him in the boat and said, "This is so much fun. You should take people crawfishing this way", and that was the beginning of the idea of Crawfish Haven/Mrs. Rose's Bed and Breakfast. People now have the opportunity to learn how crawfish get from the pond to the table.
Our slogan became, "Where else can you Catch, Cook and Sleep?"
The original property home that Mrs. Rose was born in is built.
Barry Toups purchases Rose's property and begins to renovate the home.
Mrs. Rose's Bed & Breakfast opens to the public.
Paradise Louisiana begins filming segments at the B&B.
Crawfish Haven/Mrs. Rose's Bed and Breakfast chosen as one of the "8 Great Culinary Tours to Book This Year" throughout the United States by Coastal Living.
Louisiana Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser visits in conjunction with October being National Seafood Month. Crawfish Haven/Mrs. Rose's Bed and Breakfast voted "Official Best of Crawfish Excursions in Louisiana" by Official Best of America.
Samantha Brown "Places to Love" visits and films a segment at Crawfish Haven/Mrs. Rose's Bed and Breakfast.
A Gazebo and Campsites are added to the property; the Event Pavilion is expanded. Cooking Classes and a Cajun Meal are added as packages; Barry Toups develops his own seasoning mixes.
Barry Toups develops and markets Crawfish Haven/Mrs. Rose's Bed and Breakfast Cookbook.
A gift shop called "Boutique de Souvenirs" is added to the property, offering souvenirs and other items.
Barry Toups writes his first book entitled "The Life Cycle of Crawfish at Crawfish Haven/Mrs. Rose's Bed and Breakfast".

Leroy and Rose began dating when she was fifteen and he twenty-two years old. He was her high school teacher; back then teachers certainly were not allowed to date students, so they had to keep their relationship a secret until after Rose's graduation. Rose graduated from Kaplan High school in May, 1937 She was sixteen at the time and had only attended school for 10 years before graduating because she had passed her classes quickly around 2nd or 3rd grade, which allowed her to advance a grade ahead. Leroy and Rose were married on December 18, 1937. Charles, their only child, was born in Kaplan, Louisiana, where his parents lived for their first two years of marriage. In August of 1939, the Robichaux family moved to Henry, Louisiana, where they lived until their return to Kaplan and her family home in August of 1958. Leroy and Rose purchased her family home from her siblings after losing her parents in Hurricane Audrey in 1957.
The house was originally built in 1903 for Paul and Oza Landry Blanchard by two carpenters equipped with only hammer, saw, square, nails and wooden pegs. The lumber used was oak, cypress, and pine; it was purchased in Garden City, Louisiana, and brought to the site by mule train. In 1921, Rose was born in this house. She was raised here with her other siblings. Wonderful memories were made in this house.
When Leroy and Rose purchased the house, it needed much attention. All remodeling was completely done by Rose, Leroy and their son. The first thing done was to level the foundation. They proceeded to remove all the weather boards on the outside, insulated all the walls, and replaced the same weather boards. All the inside was completely remodeled and updated.
Charles, their son, married his high school sweetheart, Peggy Thibodeaux, on August 18, 1962. Charles and Peggy lived with his parents for two years until their own home was built.
Rose's memory was remarkable. Even at 92 years old, she still remembered dates and so many little details such as what Leroy was wearing when he came to get her for their first date (a white starched suit).
Rose loved gardening. She most enjoyed her beautiful flower beds and her other pastime, cutting grass, which she did until she died. She also liked needlework, cross stitch, and puzzles. Some are proudly displayed in the dining and living room of the bed and breakfast. Cooking, baking and challenging crossword puzzles were also a pastime for Rose. She was an accomplished seamstress who made all of her family's clothes. She made all the drapes for the inside of her remodeled home. Her mind and hands were never idle. She truly enjoyed visiting with her many friends and her only grandchild, Chad, his wife, Rachel, and her great-granddaughter, Tori. When company would arrive, without asking, she would go in the kitchen and fix everyone a treat...vanilla ice cream with peaches on top.
Leroy died on October 21, 2005; Rose died on March 27, 2013. Rose was the daughter of Joseph Hippolyte "Paul" and Oza Landry Blanchard.
Other interesting facts:
In 1957, Rose and Leroy lived in a house on the grounds of Henry High School where Leroy was the principal. The home they lived in later became the home that Barry Toups, now owner of the Bed and Breakfast, was raised in after his parents purchased it from the Vermilion Parish School Board in 1961.
Rose vividly remembered when Hurricane Audrey came ashore and hit the southern part of Louisiana on June 27, 1957. They were living in Henry at the time. Their car flooded but not their home. The Henry High School gym were they evacuated did not flood either. Rose's family was vacationing in Holly Beach, Louisiana, at the time and due to the rising water, the group left Holly Beach and went to Rose's sister Beulah's home in Cameron, Louisiana. It was at that home where her parents, sister, niece and her husband and son and a nephew perished.